Lean Muscle Trainer Hero

Day 45:Chest

Today’s weight-training workout begins with a superset where you perform flat-bench dumbbell flyes followed immediately by pushups to failure. Perform the style of pushups that works best for you—Danielle performs them from her knees while Kai performs them from his feet. The key is to work your chest muscles to failure.

Follow up this superset with tire sledgehammers if that move is available in your gym. If not, the key is to find a type of cardio that incorporates your upper body into HIIT cardio for 1-minute on and 1-minute off for 3 sets. You can use a rower or bear crawls if you don’t have this option.

Next up you’ll perform a superset of dumbbell presses followed immediately by sled pushes. You can substitute another move if you don’t have a sled available.

The third superset for today is incline dumbbell flyes with a unique running move that you can perform in the cardio room of your gym if it’s empty or outdoors. Some gyms also have the space to perform this indoors. Check out the video to see the rhythm of this running cardio set that you’ll perform for 1 minute immediately after each set of incline dumbbell flyes.

Our final move for today is a stand-alone: standing cable crossovers. You’ll perform 3 sets, and you’ll get in a drop set for each of the last 2 sets. I want you to not only emphasize the contraction, but also feel the stretch in your pecs as you return to the starting position.


40 + 10 minutes

Perform 40 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT cardio with 30 seconds on/30 seconds off intervals


Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flyes
3 Sets - 15 Reps

SUPERSET 1: Perform flat-bench dumbbell flyes followed by pushups (to failure) and then rest 1 minute between supersets

3 Sets - Failure

Tire Sledgehammers
3 Sets - 1 Minute

Rest 1 minute between each 1-minute set

Dumbbell Presses
3 Sets / 15 Reps

SUPERSET 2: Perform a set of dumbbell presses followed immediately by 1 minute of sled pushes. Do not rest during or after the super set

Sled Pushes
3 Sets / 1 Minute

Incline Dumbbell Flyes
3 Sets - 15 Reps

SUPERSET 3: Perform a set of incline dumbbell flyes followed immediately by 1 minute of the running set explained in the video. Do not rest during or after the super set

Side Running + Back And Forth Running
3 Sets - 1 Minute

Standing Cable Crossovers
3 Sets - 15/8+8/8+8+8 Reps

Perform one regular set followed by a set with 1 drop, and then for the last set include 2 drops for 8 reps each


40 + 10 minutes

Perform 40 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT cardio with 30 seconds on/30 seconds off intervals

I hope that you intuitively understand why I’m including specific cardio moves in today’s workout. I also realize that you may not be able to perform some of these specific moves because they are not available in your gym. At this point you should know what to do: Find a reasonable alterative rather than skipping the move. The bigger point is to learn to make adaptations to achieve the goal of every move in this workout rather than eliminate an exercise that is not available to you.


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DOSE AND TIMING: Get in 3 servings of fermented GLUTAMINE each day while following my 12-Week Lean Muscle Program. Good times to take this product are upon rising, before workouts, after workouts, and before bedtime. I personally have my clients put all 3 servings in their gallon jug and sip it throughout the day.

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