Lean Muscle Trainer Hero

Day 37:Back And Abs

Today’s weight-training workout begins with a giant set. Make sure you don’t rest between exercises but that you keep your form stellar for every rep of every set during this giant set that requires 45 reps. Rest for 2 minutes between each of the 3 giant sets, and use the weights that allow you to work your target muscle group most effectively.

We’ll follow the giant set with a superset of reverse-grip pulldowns and dumbbell deadlifts to complete back training today.

Then we’ll transition to an abs-and-cardio superset. This begins with partner-assisted medicine ball sit-ups. Take a look at today’s video to see how this move works. If you don’t have a partner, then you can perform a solo move such as plate or medicine ball sit-ups.

You’ll follow this immediately with a 2-minute cardio session. For your cardio interval you can perform concept II rower, box step-ups, burpees, jump rope, etc. The goal is to get your heart rate up before you go into your next abs-and-cardio superset without resting.

Make sure that you perform your later cardio session at least a couple hours after you complete this workout since you’re using intense cardio within the workout itself.


20 + 10 + 10 minutes

Upon waking perform 20 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT for 60 seconds on/60 seconds off. Complete your cardio with 10 more minutes of steady state for a total of 40 minutes


Wide-grip lats pulldowns
3 Sets / 15 Reps

GIANT SET: Perform wide-grip lats pulldowns followed immediately by bent-over dumbbell rows, and then immediately by close-grip cable rows. Then rest for 2 minutes between giant sets

Bent-over Dumbbell Rows
3 Sets - 15 Reps

Close-Grip Cable Rows
3 Sets / 15 Reps

Reverse-Grip Pulldowns
3 Sets / 15 Reps

SUPERSET: Perform reverse-grip pulldowns followed immediately by dumbbell deadlifts, then rest for 2 minutes between supersets

Dumbbell Deadlifts
3 Sets / 15 Reps

Partner-Assisted Medicine Ball Sit-Ups
4 Sets - 30/20/15/10

SUPERSET: For this superset perform sit-ups followed immediately by a 2-minute HIIT session. Do not rest throughout the abs-and-cardio superset

Cardio Interval
4 Sets - 2 minutes


20 + 10 + 10 minutes

Perform 20 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT for 60 seconds on/60 seconds off. Complete your cardio with 10 more minutes of steady state for a total of 40 minutes


Notice how I have Danielle lie back in the middle of her close-grip cable rows. This is a version of the rest-pause technique, where you take a short break to complete more reps with better form. I stopped Danielle because her form had turned to crap. Performing sloppy reps does you no good and may even lead to injury. I wanted to make sure that every rep counted, and so I had her take this active pause before completing the set.


GLUTAMINE is the most abundant amino acid in the human body, and it can be synthesized from other amino acids. When your body has a greater need for glutamine, such as when you’re on an intense training program, it may break down muscle tissue for this purpose. Supplementing fermented GLUTAMINE helps prevent this. In addition, supplementing with glutamine helps restore glutamine levels after training and supports muscle recovery.

DOSE AND TIMING: Get in 3 servings of fermented GLUTAMINE each day while following my 12-Week Lean Muscle Program. Good times to take this product are upon rising, before workouts, after workouts, and before bedtime. I personally have my clients put all 3 servings in their gallon jug and sip it throughout the day.

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