Nutrition Overview

Supplement Overview
Program Overview
What Should You Expect?
The first thing to expect from my training plan is results. However, in the same breath, you need to be aware that results are a by-product of the effort you put in. With any training plan you should expect to feel some form of discomfort, many people will even call it pain, as they push their body past old physical boundaries. My training is challenging by design - that’s what it takes to achieve the type of transformation you’re chasing. Expect to ache, expect to curse me, but most of all, expect results like you’ve never experienced before.
Why Is Weight Training Optimal?
Weight training is the pinnacle tool of physical evolution. Nothing else will compete with it if you want create a physique with good shape. You need to build muscle and keep the fat off – both of which are successfully attained with an intelligent weight training protocol.
When you lift weight, you stimulate something known as an adaptive response, which means your body changes to cope with the stress. That means getting bigger, stronger, and fitter. The usage of more energy to do this also leads to you getting leaner in the process.
Weight training makes your body produce more natural anabolic hormones like testosterone, growth hormone, and IGF-1. The rise in these hormones helps your body adapt to the new stress of weight training, building stronger muscles to react to these demands in the future.
This program contains all the workouts you need to build a complete physique. Be sure to take your time to read through each workout and watch the videos, then execute them at the gym. As a beginner, the intention is to learn this new craft as quickly as possible, which requires consistent effort in the gym.
You will see that the exercises in each workout are the same each week, but the rep ranges change. This is designed to help you build a foundation by learning how to work the muscle using varying rep ranges. This technique introduces new levels of overload by stimulating different muscle fiber types.
Discover how to make your muscles respond the way you want them to, and you’ll be able to build muscle for years to come. Before you get into the workouts, I’ve got a few gym rules for you to take with you.
- Give yourself around 120 seconds to rest between your bigger working sets on large muscle groups like the legs and back. On smaller muscles like your shoulders and arms, reduce this to 60 seconds because you don’t need as much rest.
- Pay attention to your form and technique on every rep. This timeframe is where you’re learning new habits, so make them good ones!
- Always put your weights back after you’ve finished with them and wipe up your sweat when you’re done with the equipment. This is just good gym etiquette.
Program Calendar |
Week 1 |
Day 1 Legs & Upper Abs |
Day 2 Chest & Triceps |
Day 3 Rest |
Day 4
Back & Biceps |
Day 5
Rest Day |
Rest Day |
Week 2 |
Day 8
Legs & Upper Abs
Day 9
Chest & Triceps
Day 10
Day 11
Back & Biceps
Day 12
Rest Day |
Rest Day |
Week 3 |
Day 15
Legs & Upper Abs
Day 16
Chest & Triceps
Day 17
Day 18
Back & Biceps
Day 19
Rest Day |
Rest Day |
Week 4 Repeat Week 1 |
Day 1
Legs & Upper Abs
Day 2
Chest & Triceps
Day 3
Day 4
Back & Biceps
Day 5
Rest Day |
Rest Day |
Lets Get Started!