Riding the Redline

Riding the Redline:Project Overview

I’m Ashley Horner, and I want to welcome you to Riding the Redline. This is my 4-week Trainer series for Kaged. This is a tough training program, and it’s going to make you question what you thought were your physical strengths. It’s also going to push you to a deeper understanding about how performance, strength and endurance are the keys to achieving the body composition you desire.

Too many fat-loss programs emphasize weight- or bodyfat- loss at the expense of performance. Riding the Redline teaches you to perform challenging moves and understand that the physical changes in your body will follow naturally. In addition to getting stronger, you’re also going to get stronger psychologically. My goal for you is that when you reach the end of Riding the Redline, you’ll have a completely different thought process about how your body and mind work together to achieve your physical goals, whether they’re aesthetic or performance based.

You’re going to push yourself on this program, but you’re only going to reduce calories moderately throughout. While this program is designed as a 4-week program, you can adjust it so that it lasts as long as you want or need. All you need to do it repeat any of the seven 4-day mini cycles that you find especially effective in helping you achieve your goals. And you can repeat these mini-cycles at any point in the program.

Riding the Redline is about giving this program everything you have but holding on to that threshold without crossing over the red line that leads to overtraining or injury. I’m going to ask you to perform exercises and training volume that may be outside your comfort zone at the outset, but I want you to attempt them and evaluate if these are right for you. I’ve provided many substitutions and easier versions if you can’t perform a particular move. The key is to push yourself without going over the edge.

My program comes from my many years of training and coaching, helping others make dramatic transformations. In addition to all of the workout videos I include, I also provide a detailed nutrition and supplement regimen. Fat doesn’t have a chance, and your future physique is much closer than you realize.

As much as you’ll be transforming your physique, you’ll also be changing the way you think about your body, your workouts, and everything that contributes to both. It’s going to be tough at the beginning, but you’re going to love the results. I promise.

Are you ready? If so, then make a commitment to yourself. I’ll be there every step of the way. Now, let’s get started!

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