Riding the Redline

Riding the red Line:Day 13

Today’s workout is going to challenge both your upper- and lower-body muscle groups. I love workouts like this—I hope you do, too. This one begins with a single circuit of ass-kicking cardio, followed by dumbbell thrusters, and ending with a cardio/agility move—box jumps—to tax you from the beginning, warming up your whole body. Remember you can make substitutions if you don’t have the equipment for these moves available at your gym, or if you need to modify the exercises.

The B block begins with the most challenging form of pullups you can perform for 7-10 reps, followed by Turkish get-ups, which is a new move in Riding the Redline. Watch my video to see how to perform this exercise for 5 reps per side. Practice Turkish get-ups until you’re comfortable with them before you add weight—they were super complicated for me when I first started performing them. Videos were really helpful to me. You’ll finish off the B block with your best form of hanging leg raises, striving to work up to 8 reps with toes to bar, to your ability.

Our next block is a one-off compound movement—shoulder presses. Remember to keep rest to only 60 seconds for the basic 5x5. Increase or decrease weight to your ability to make sure your fatigued at the end of each set but able to perform the next without extending rest.

I’ve set up the D block so you can perform an upper and lower body move in the same place. Transition immediately from dumbbell bench presses to Bulgarian split squats, which I introduced on Day 7. Only rest 60-90 seconds between circuits.

You’ll finish off today’s workout with an E block consisting of glute-ham raises (GHD) followed by swimmers for 3 circuits. Swimmers are a great move for working your core, and they’re harder than they look. Keep your form tight, and rest-pause (take a short break in the middle of the set) if you need. Just make sure you get in all your reps.


Row machine

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but for only 1 circuit.

1 SET / 500 METERS

Dumbbell thruster1 SET / 10 REPS

Box jump over*1 SET / 10 REPS


Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

3 SETS / 7-10 REPS

Turkish get-up**3 SETS / 5 PER SIDE
Hanging leg raise (toes to bar)3 SETS / 8 REPS

Shoulder Press

Rest about 60 seconds between sets



Dumbbell bench press

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

3 SETS / 6-8 REPS

Bulgarian split squat3 SETS / 10 REPS

Glute-ham raise (GHD)

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

3 SETS / 10 REPS

Swimmer3 SETS / 20 REPS

TIP: Remember that I want you to emphasize volume and short rest periods over performing every move exactly as I specify it. That means you can substitute exercises or variations that match your skill set. Keep your volume up—even if it’s a less challenging version—and keep your rest periods short.

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