Riding the Redline

Riding the Red Line:Day 25

This workout includes the same moves that you performed for Day 3. While you’re much more depleted from your diet, you should also be stronger for this workout than you were for the previous. That’s the beauty of Riding the Redline. While you’re getting leaner and more depleted you should also be increasing strength. I’ve designed my nutrition and supplement regimen to support improvements in performance as you hone the physique you’ve always wanted.

Keep increasing the weight and the quality of the reps you perform for these exercises. For instance, you should be able to perform a better form of pullups than you could at the beginning of Riding the Redline. These incremental improvements in every exercise lead to the goals you set at the beginning of this program. Don’t get distracted with meaningless objectives about reps and weights. Instead, concentrate on the quality of every rep of each exercise. Add weight; go further; go deeper. Just make sure that you’re using strict form to keep Riding the Redline.

The cardio HIIT moves I include in this workout will help you continue to burn stored fat as you retain muscle tissue. That’s crucial as you’re approaching the end of Riding the Redline.


Barbell squat

Rest 90 seconds between sets


Barbell hip thruster

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

5 SETS / 15 REPS

Weighted pull-up


Bent-over barbell row

5 SETS / 10 REPS


Machine row

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

4 SETS / 300 Meters

Wall ball4 SETS / 20 REPS

Hanging leg raise

Toes to the bar—or at least better than the last time you performed this move

4 SETS / 10 REPS

Weighted glute-ham raise/GHD or hyperextension

Performed in a circuit with no rest between individual moves, but with 60-90 seconds of rest between each circuit

3 SETS / 15 REPS
Ball slam
3 SETS / 15 REPS

Single-arm dumbbell snatch

10 per side, alternating

3 SETS / 10 REPS

TIP: Staying hydrated is vital to both your athletic performance as well as your recovery when you’re this deep into a challenging program. Hydra-Charge contains electrolytes such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, and potassium that help you that help your body maintain fluid balance. Do keep in mind that every serving of Hydra-Charge contains 115 mg of sodium, a crucial electrolyte. If you’re reducing sodium, then you need to account for the sodium contained in Hydra-Charge.

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