Today is the final pressing day of Phase One. You’ll perform the same triceps, shoulders and chest moves you have during the previous three workouts on the second day of the week. However, I’m going to add a twist for today’s workout that I’ve mentioned in my videos. I want you to incorporate drop sets into many of the exercises you perform today.
Since you’re reps are already very high and your weights are light with triceps, we’ll only include one drop set for each move with this muscle group. For the last set of every triceps exercise I want you to perform another 10 reps with a very light weight, just emphasizing the squeeze and extension. Go slow and really emphasize the feeling in your triceps with these drop sets.
Next up is shoulders. Last week, you performed giant sets; today, I recommend performing drop sets for all sets of each exercise before moving on to the next move. You can take the weights as light as you need to go to make sure that every rep counts during drops. Here’s what I mean:
You’ll begin with lateral raises. Use the same you’ve been using to complete 15 reps. But then immediately grab lighter weights and perform 10 more reps. Rest as long as needed between sets (up to about 60-90 seconds). Continue to perform all sets using your baseline weight for 15 reps—but then go with a lighter weight for your drop set. The key is to make sure that you complete every rep with stellar form—no swinging! Do the same for all shoulder moves.
Then you’ll perform your chest work with drop sets. Remember that I’m only including incline dumbbell presses, but you should perform this with every chest move and set you perform if you’ve added other exercises. Again, perform all 15 reps with your typical weight, but then drop to a much lighter one and pump out 10 more quality reps.
Finally, finish up with around-the-worlds. You don’t need to use much (or any) weight for those last 10 drop-set reps. Just go through the range of motion with quality control, emphasizing the stretches and contractions.
That’s the end of our pressing movements for Phase One of 8-Week Fat-loss Figure Trainer! I’ll see you next week with a different pressing workout to help you keep honing your physique while you continue to reduce body fat.
Triceps cable kickbacks
3 SETS / 25 REPS


Triceps Pressdowns
3 SETS / 25 REPS
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
4 SETS / 15 REPS


Front plate raises
4 SETS / 15 REPS
Dumbbell shoulder presses
4 SETS / 15 REPS


Rear-delt flyes |
4 SETS / 15 REPS
Incline dumbbell chest presses |
4 SETS / 15 REPS
Around the worlds |
1 SETS / 15 REPS
Twisting floor crunches |
3 SETS / 15 REPS
Wheel roll outs |
3 SETS / 15 REPS
Cardio |
As we’re approaching the midpoint of this program, you may be noticing that you have less energy at the end of your workouts. That’s why I recommend that you include In-Kaged during your workouts—this unique product supports your pre-workout Pre-Kaged to make sure you’re energy doesn’t flag in the middle of workouts.
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