Bikini Body Trainer

Day 21:Rest Day

We’re wrapping up the end of Week Three and it’s been a doozy! I hope you pushed yourself as much as I did this week. I’m looking forward to taking today to focus on some recovery techniques. Personally, I like to use the NormaTec Recovery System to increase blood flow to the muscle group you put it on. Plus, you get to kick back in a recliner and relax while you do it—that’s a win-win situation on a rest day!

I’m also going to head to cryotherapy, where you stand in a booth that reaches a temperature of -220 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t worry, it’s only for a couple of minutes. It helps with the recovery process and leaves you feeling invigorated after. Whatever you do on your rest day, make sure it’s helping your body to recover and prepare for next week. Drink your water (plus Hydra-Charge, obviously), and have a great day!

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