8-Week Hardcore Daily Video Trainer - Banner Image

Day 18:Hamstrings, Lower Back & Upper Abs

We’re already near the end of week 3. Before you know it you’ll be halfway through this transformation. This should awaken your mind to the fact that time passes so quickly, which is why you need to remain in control of your daily actions. Every workout has to surpass the last one; leave nothing to chance here. Missing your supplements for a day, or even one meal can knock you back.
We’ve got another lower back, hamstrings and upper abs workout ahead of us today. Usually we hit lower back first, however, the pump which you get from this means that it can negate from your hamstring workout. For this reason, we’re starting with hamstrings first today.

How are you finding the increase in cardio this week? Let me know by tagging me on your socials using #HardcoreTrainer2.

Morning Cardio - 30 Minutes

Hamstrings, Lower Back & Upper Abs


1. Single-Leg Hamstring Curl
5 Sets x 12, 10, 8, 8, 6 Reps (Each Leg)
- No rest between sets

2. Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift
5 Sets x 10 Reps
- 60-second rest between sets

Lower Back

3. Weighted Hyperextensions
3 Sets x 10/10* Reps
*All 3 sets are drop sets. Perform 10 reps, then drop the weight and complete another 10 reps using bodyweight only.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets

4. Barbell Good Mornings
3 Sets x 20,18,16* Reps
*Pyramid: for the first set, choose a weight that allows you to reach failure at 20 reps. On the next set, slightly increase the weight and complete 18 reps. On the third and final set, slightly increase the weight again and do 16 reps.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets

Upper Abs

Circuit (3 Sets)

5a. Weighted Crunches
20 Reps
5b. Cross-Body Crunches
20 Reps
5c. Exercise Ball Rollouts
20 Reps
5d. Ab Twists
50 Reps
- 45 seconds of rest between circuits

Evening Cardio - 30 Minutes

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