I hope you’ve enjoyed the progress you’ve seen on my plateau-busting series Shattered! We’re still not done, though—you have one more week of training to perform. And this week focuses on supersets.
* With supersets you perform one exercise followed immediately by another for the same body part. Then you’ll rest for 3 minutes before you perform your next superset. Supersets drive up intensity and thus muscle growth because your target muscle spends considerable time under tension for each set.
* Remember that narrow-grip cable curls work the outside of your biceps, while wider-grip barbell curls, you’re targeting the inner portion of your biceps.
* The athletes who inspire me most have conditioned themselves to be consistent, and that’s the most important mind-lesson I want you to take away form this 12-week plateau buster.
Narrow-grip cable curls | 4 SETS / 15 REPS SUPERSET: After you complete an exercise of each, you’ll rest for 3 minutes before performing your next superset. |
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Wide-grip barbell curls | 4 SETS / 15 REPS |
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Alternating dumbbell hammer curls | 4 SETS / 15 REPS SUPERSET: After you complete an exercise of each, you’ll rest for 3 minutes before performing your next superset. |
Reverse-grip barbell curls | 4 SETS / 15 REPS |
TIP: Remember that, while top athletes in every sport have superior genetics, they can’t reach the pinnacle of their sports without supreme dedication. You may or may not be able perform at the peak as a top athlete, but you can maximize your performance through focus, discipline and a program that allows you to achieve your goals. I hope that’s what my 12-week series for biceps has helped provide.
Check out my video for more about how to perform each exercise. Also check out my Week 4 video for additional info.
If you want to follow Shattered! for another body part, then you can transition directly into that for 12 weeks. Go back to the homepage to connect to that. And then you can come back and perform another 12-week round for biceps. This is the best way to bring up your weaknesses — target them, let them recover, and then target them again.