Around your workout supplements often make the biggest difference. It's when your body craves nutrients, yet it’s the least practical time to get them from whole foods.
It’s also when ingredients like caffeine have their most profound impact on performance. That’s why, when we started Kaged back in 2015, our first three products focused on this window.
We built the “PIP” (Pre-Intra-Post) bundle to check every box possible to help push you in the gym, get the extra rep, and recover faster to get the best results.*
What Is the PIP Bundle?
The stack includes three products:

As their names imply, they’re designed for before, during, and after your workout. While they’re excellent products on their own, we formulated them with the whole bundle in mind.
We Built This Bundle to Be Even Better Together
We chose specific doses of ingredients with the whole stack in mind. That’s what we’re focusing on today.
The right word for this is “synergistic.” This is a fancy way of saying the sum is greater than the parts.
That’s because the doses and ingredients complement each other. For example, both Pre-Workout and Intra-Workout contain 1.6g of CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine. While 1.6g increases carnosine levels, research has shown that 3.2g is the dose at which the most profound performance improvements occur.*
3.2g has shown to be more than twice as effective as a 1.6g dose. Again, the sum is greater than its parts.
Let’s break down the total doses of all three products so you can see how they work better together.
PurCaf® Organic Caffeine: 274mg + 124mg = 398mg
Make no mistake, this is a high-stimulant stack. It’s not for beginners or the caffeine-sensitive. Why 398mg? The research on caffeine has shown that higher doses can improve performance. For example, one study had three groups test their strength in squats, deadlifts, and bench press. The study had three groups: a placebo, a 6mg per kilogram of bodyweight caffeine group, and an 8mg/kg caffeine group.
Both groups beat out the placebo, yet the 8mg/kg often showed small but statistically significant improvement in strength over the 6mg/kg group.
Spread Out The Dose For Fewer Jitters & Tingles
There’s an obvious downside to high doses of caffeine: the jitters. To be clear, if you’re caffeine sensitive you’ll still feel jitters with this bundle, but spacing out the dose between can reduce some of the discomfort and lower the chance of a dreaded crash.
Always Organic, Never Synthetic Caffeine
In all Kaged supplements, we choose organic, PurCaf® caffeine, a patented form derived from green coffee beans to provide clean energy. This is in contrast to “caffeine anhydrous” which is synthetic, not natural.
Prefer Less Caffeine? Choose Pre-Workout Stimulant-Free
That said, if you prefer a lower caffeine dose, make your PIP stack with Kaged Pre-Workout Stimulant-Free.
CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine: 1.6g +1.6g = 3.2g
Beta-alanine is the ingredient responsible for the “tingling” sensation that pre-workouts are famous for. It’s also one of the most well-researched ingredients out there. The CarnoSyn® form is backed by 55+ research studies. The 3.2g dose has been shown to fight muscle fatigue and increase muscle endurance.* The studies range from showing improved sprint performance in competitive cycling to better results for 400m sprinters.
With the PIP Stack, You Space Out the Dose for Milder Tingles
Some people love the tingles. If that’s you, check out Pre-Workout Elite, which contains the full 3.2g dose.
With 1.6g in Pre-Workout and 1.6g in Intra-Workout, you can space out the dose with the PIP stack, providing all the benefits with fewer unwanted tingles.
Fermented L-Citrulline: 6.5g + 3g = 9.5g
L-Citrulline is an amino acid that supports blood flow and the muscle pumps our products are famous for.
The PIP stack includes 6.5g in Pre-Workout and an additional 3g in Intra-Workout. This allows you to have sustained muscle pumps throughout your entire workout, from start to finish.
Increased blood flow and pumps translate to improved muscle endurance to squeeze out the extra rep as well as improved recovery after training.*
Why fermented? You can learn more in this article on why we use fermented L-citrulline.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids: 6.5 + 5g + 6g = 18.5g
Around the workout, the branched-chain amino acids are the most important. These three amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine help activate muscle protein synthesis. This is a fancy way of saying they make sure your body is building up protein instead of breaking it down.
When you’re training hard, without BCAAs, your body can slip into a catabolic state where it starts to break down hard-earned muscle tissue. That’s not what you want, which is why BCAAs can help.
They can also provide a quick energy source during your training and support muscle recovery afterward.*
Kaged Pre-Workout includes 3.5g plus an additional 3g of leucine, for 6.5g total. Intra-Workout contains 5g. Post-Workout Protein has 6g of BCAAs naturally occurring in its whey protein.
BetaPower® Betaine: 2.5g + 1.5g = 4g
BetaPower® Betaine is a powerhouse ingredient included in the PIP stack for its role in supporting strength, power, and muscle endurance.* It’s featured in Pre-Workout (2.5g) and Post-Workout Protein (1.5g), giving you a total of 4g per day with the stack.
Performance benefits begin around that 2.5g mark. For example, one study showed a 47% increase in squat repetitions after 14 days of taking 2.5g of BetaPower®.
Creatine HCl: 1.5g + 1.5g = 3g
Creatine is one of the most well-studied and effective supplements for increasing strength, power, and overall performance. In the PIP stack, you’ll get 1.5g from Pre-Workout and 1.5g from Post-Workout Protein for a total of 3g—right in the sweet spot of effective dosing.
There’s an ongoing debate about the best time to take creatine. The research results are mixed. By including it pre- and post-workout, you get the best of both.
Why Creatine HCl?
Unlike creatine monohydrate, Creatine HCl is more water-soluble, meaning it mixes easily and is gentler on the stomach for most people. This ensures you can enjoy the benefits of creatine without the bloating or digestive discomfort some experience with other forms. You can learn more about the benefits of creatine HCl here.
Protein: 28g
Protein is the foundation of muscle recovery and growth, and Post-Workout Protein delivers 28g of premium-quality whey protein isolate to fuel your recovery after training.
Fast-Digesting ioWhey® for Better Absorption*
The PIP stack uses ioWhey® protein isolate which has been shown in research to improve the bioavailability of essential amino acids by 123% compared to standard whey.*
Save 20% on The PIP Bundle
Give this bundle a try for a month, taking it on each of your training days, and we're confident you'll have better workouts, recover faster, and start to see better results—it’s what we designed these supplements for.
When you get the entire PIP stack, you'll also save 20%.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.