Lean Muscle Trainer Hero

Day 47:Arms And Calves

Today we’ll be training arms and calves. And for arms, we’ll include antagonist supersets, which means that one of the moves in each superset targets biceps and triceps. The first of these antagonist supersets is cable curls followed immediately by rope triceps extensions. Notice that I have Kai and Danielle facing away from the machine and using a straight bar for today’s first move attached to two pulleys—this is a little different than how we’ve performed cable curls in previous weeks. Note that Kai and Danielle also use a very wide grip. Follow this move immediately with rope triceps extensions.

Next up is another superset, but this one begins with triceps—overhead triceps extensions—followed by a biceps move—barbell curls. Rest 2 minutes between supersets.

For the third arms superset for today you’ll perform lying triceps extensions followed by standing dumbbell curls. Notice that I also have Kai and Danielle perform triceps presses as a burn out—include that as part of this superset to get used to getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. You’ll perform standing dumbbell curls using both arms at the same before transition to completing them in an alternating fashion. You’ll rest 2 minutes between supersets.

Finish off today’s workout with seated calves raises for 20 reps followed by fast reps to failure. Then I want you to immediately get on the back of the seated calves machine and perform standing calves raises to failure as your burnout. I don’t officially consider this a superset—it’s just a regular set with two different types of burnouts to failure.

And that’s a wrap for Week Seven’s weight training. Don’t forget you have a lot on your to-do list for the weekend, including double sessions of cardio, calorie cutting and your 16-hour intermittent fast.


40 + 10 minutes

Perform 40 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT cardio with 30 seconds on/30 seconds off intervals


Cable Curls
3 Sets - 20 Reps

SUPERSET 1: Perform a set of cable biceps curls followed immediately by rope triceps extensions. Rest 2 minutes between supersets

Rope Triceps Extensions
3 Sets - 20 Reps

Overhead Triceps Extensions
3 Sets - 15 Reps

SUPERSET 2: Perform a set of overhead triceps extensions followed immediately by barbell curls. Rest 2 minutes between supersets

Barbell Curls
3 Sets - 15 Reps

Lying Triceps Extensions
3 Sets - 10-15 Reps
SUPERSET 3: Perform a set of lying triceps extensions followed immediately by standing dumbbell curls. Rest 2 minutes between supersets

Standing Dumbbell Curls
3 Sets - 10 -15 Reps

Seated Calves Raises + Standing Calves Burnouts
3 Sets - 20+failure + failure

After 20 reps, go to failure with seated calves raises. Then stand and perform standing calves raises to failure


40 + 10 minutes

Perform 40 minutes of steady-state cardio followed immediately by 10 minutes of HIIT cardio with 30 seconds on/30 seconds off intervals

GETHIN’S GO-TO: You’ve just completed 7 weeks of weight training on your 12-Week Lean Muscle Program, and I hope you’re really noticing physical changes. Take a look at how much Kai’s and Danielle’s physiques have changed over these 47 days. Compare how they looked during Day 1 to what you’re seeing at this point in their evolution. I included graphics of their beginning point in the intro to each day to help remind you that you’re achieving similar results even though the day-to-day changes don’t seem all that significant. The true picture comes with the accumulation of daily dedication.



This product contains potent ingredients that help support weight loss. These include green tea extract, Gymnema sylvestre extract, capsicum fruit and chromium complex, all of which can help you accelerate your results on my 12-Week Lean Muscle Program. This product works through multiple mechanisms to support weight loss. These include mobilizing fat from storage and increasing thermogenesis.

DOSE AND TIMING: For best results, get in 3 doses (2 capsules per dose) 30 minutes before whole-food meals. You can start slowly with CLEAN BURN, taking in 1 dose for the first day or two, then adding a dose after that. Work up to taking 3 doses per day before meals to boost results while following my 12-Week Lean Muscle Program.

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