This is a repeat of the exercises, sets and reps you performed for Week 2, but not the resistance. That’s because you should be considerably stronger with your shoulders at this point. While it’s crucial to vary your workouts from one week to another, it’s also valuable to repeat a workout a couple months after you haven’t performed it. This will allow you to see how this one compares to that previous workout—this is especially helpful if you’re keeping a workout journal of your exercises, sets, reps and weights.
* Make sure you get in Pre-Kaged before every workout. This Kaged Muscle product provides the nutrients you need to maximize your energy during workouts, as well as those that will ultimately help you recover and grow.
* Take a close look at how your shoulders are developing and emphasize the specific muscles in your delts that need work. Re-arrange your shoulder workouts so you target your weakest muscles first.
* Finish up your recovery with Re-Kaged at the end of your workout. As you approach the end of an intense program such as this, you need to rely more and more upon your supplements and nutrition for recovery and growth.
Bent-over rear plate raises
5 REPS / 15 SETS
Choose a weight that allows you to reach failure at 15 reps, and then rest for only 60 seconds between sets.


Front plate raises
5 REPS / 15 SETS
Choose a weight that allows you to reach failure at 15 reps, and then rest for only 60 seconds between sets.


Side plate raises
5 REPS / 15 SETS
Choose a weight that allows you to reach failure at 15 reps, and then rest for only 60 seconds between sets.


Standing plate shoulder presses
3 REPS / 20 SETS
90 seconds rest between sets.


TIP: As we near the end of the video series, it’s important that you continue to visualize the way your shoulders are developing. The mind-muscle connection is crucial to maximizing your gains in your weakest body part.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body, and it can be synthesized from other amino acids. When your body has a greater need for glutamine, such as when you’re on an intense training program, it may break down muscle tissue for this purpose. Supplementing Fermented Glutamine helps prevent this. In addition, glutamine supports digestion, boosts immunity and hastens muscle recovery.
Check out my video for detailed tips on how to perform each of these moves to isolate specific muscles in your delts.