8 Week Muscle Building Trainer Main Image

Day 24:Legs

Are your pecs sore? Mine are. I went into the sauna last night, stayed hydrated, got in all my supplements, and relaxed. Remember your HIIT cardio isn’t part of my program for nothing. Not only does it burn stored body fat, but it also helps you recover from these intense workouts.

Honestly, I’m a little nervous about my leg workout, which isn’t a bad thing. We’ll be performing compound and isolation moves for lower reps—10 per set. Then you’ll also perform partial reps at the end of each leg exercise. The training volume is somewhat less than before, but that encourages you to increase intensity and really work all of the muscles in your legs. Partials will add to the intensity.

Your PRE-KAGED should be hitting at the beginning of your workout, and you need to finish your IN-KAGED by the end of every workout.

For box squats, you should lower your hamstrings to about parallel to the floor, and then you’ll raise your feet off the floor after you place your butt on the box. This allows you to disengage your leg muscles so you can fire them back up, improving your ability to work through any sticking points you may have for squats.

Meadows split squats are similar to Bulgarian squats, but instead of holding two dumbbells, you hold one and stabilize yourself by grasping a barbell, an exercise machine, or something solid for stability. The partials will be quite painful for this exercise.

Barbell box squat

10 + 5 partial reps
Regular + partial reps

Meadows split squat

10 + 5 partial reps
Regular + partial reps

Reverse hack squat

10 + 5 partial reps
Regular + partial reps

Leg extension

10 + 5 partial reps
Regular + partial reps


4 minutes easy/1 minute full
intensity for a total of 15 minutes


One thing I want you to remember is that you need to go to failure on every single working set. Break down your muscle tissue in every set. Most bodybuilders only use about 60 percent of our mental and physical capacity in every set. Don’t save yourself. Climb the mountain in every single set.

Then you’ll perform reverse hack squats (facing the back pad) and leg extensions. These moves will pool lactic acid in your legs. Taking a post-workout recovery protein such as RE-KAGED helps support recovery by carrying nutrient-rich blood to the muscle you’ve just trained faster than any other protein while providing an insulin spike without getting in carbs.

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