8 Week Muscle Building Trainer Main Image

Day 6:Rest Day

I said it in my video during yesterday’s training video, but it bears repeating: Try to stay as stress free as possible. Take a relaxing bath at night, adding Epsom salts for enhanced muscle recovery. Be present when you’re eating; prepare the foods on your diet in ways that make them appealing so that you don’t feel deprived.

And, of course, avoid foods that give you an inflammatory response such as gluten and dairy, depending on your individual response to foods in these categories. I think it’s a good idea to get allergy tested to find out which foods work best for you and which ones don’t.

Today’s workout should feel like a reprieve, yet it will continue to help you build muscle and lose fat. You’ll perform 2 short cardio sessions on each day of the weekend, days 6 and 7. Of course, you can shift this program so it fits your lifestyle better.

The first cardio session is another intense 15-minute HIIT session, which should be performed in the morning. The second is a 20-minute steady-state session to be performed at least 8 hours later, in late afternoon or early evening. Separating these two cardio sessions is important for keeping your metabolism high.





4 minutes easy/1 minute full intensity for a total of 15 minutes

Steady-state cardio



20 minutes


After you get in your morning cardio, you should consume a meal higher in fats and lower in carbs. You can eat that way throughout the day, but I still get in Kasein with a scoop of Glutamine before bed. This helps support recovery and fat burning while preventing muscle breakdown.

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