4 Reasons to Drink More Water

4 Reasons to Drink More Water

You’ve heard it before: To be as healthy as possible, focus on drinking more water.

Almost all of us know that we should drink more water on a daily basis, but few of us actually go that extra step and implement that knowledge. As a result, we're missing out on some of the major benefits that adequate hydration can provide.

One of the reasons you may be neglecting to increase your water intake is because while you ‘know’ you should drink more, you don’t really know why. Learning those why’s may inspire you to tip that water bottle more often.

Let’s look at four very important reasons why you should be increasing your fluid intake, relying predominantly on water.


No one enjoys feeling grumpy or irritated, yet for many of us, that’s how we spend most of our days and dehydration could be part of the problem.

While you may be quick to pass off your negative mood to factors such as not enjoying your career, not having a significant other, or not liking the way you look, there could be physiological reasons for why you are feeling so down. Lack of water may be one of them.

It’s actually been demonstrated by the United States Department of Agriculture that dehydration may impact your mood, including feelings of fatigue and confusion. [1]

You don’t even have to lose a lot of water to be experiencing this either. As little as 2-4% dehydration can cause these effects. You can help boost your mood by simply increasing your water intake each day and see if you feel better for it.


You hit the gym regularly and always give it your all. But, if you go into your workout session dehydrated, you’re already at a disadvantage. One of the most critical factors to performing your best is keeping your fluid intake up.

Your muscles are 75% water and even a little dehydration can negatively impact performance. Research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology noted that with just 1% dehydration rates, measurements of isometric leg extension strength were reduced.[2]

Other research has shown that there may be declines in strength to the tune of 6-11% with a 1.5-3% reduction in body weight due to dehydration. [3]

One of the best ways to help hydrate your body for a workout, and throughout the day, is to use KAGED MUSCLE Hydra-Charge. This supplement mixes into water, so you can count it towards your total daily water intake, while also providing antioxidant support and electrolytes that will help enhance hydration and your body’s functions. As an added bonus, it contains no stimulants, so it can be used at any point during the day—even close to bedtime.

It also adds a nice flavor to your water, which will definitely make it easier to hit your intake goals for the day.


Ever suffer from a painful knee injury? You know just how nasty this can be. Joint injuries are some of the most frustrating because everything you do on a daily basis is going to be impacted. It’ll be very challenging to continue any sort of exercise involving that joint until you are fully recovered.

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to joint pain and proper water intake is part of that. The reason why adding more water to your day helps with this is because it ensures that your cartilage absorbs the water it needs, which then helps keep the joints lubricated and cushioned.


Headaches are a common problem for many people, and if you suffer from migraines, they’re something you want to avoid at all costs. Many cases of headaches are believed to be caused by dehydration, which is an easy fix.[4]

Take note though—not all fluids will help remedy the problem. If you drink fluids that contain caffeine or high volumes of sugar, you may actually make your headache issue even worse, doing yourself more harm than good.

Water is best here. It’s natural for the body and will help you feel better shortly after consuming it.

There you have a few of the main reasons to convince you why you need to make hydration a top priority in your daily life. Many of us put a lot of emphasis on the foods we’re putting into our body, perfecting our carb, protein, and fat intakes to exactly what we need them to be, but then never really stop to consider how well we’re meeting our hydration needs. Find ways to get more water into your day and enjoy all of the ways it supports your overall health and wellbeing.

[1] Dehydration Affects Mood, Not Just Motor Skills : USDA ARS, www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/news/research-news/2009/dehydration-affects-mood-not-just-motor-skills/.

[2] Hayes, Lawrence D. and Morse, Christopher I. (2010) The effects of progressive dehydration on strength and power: is there a dose response? European journal of applied physiology, 108 (4). pp. 701-7. ISSN 1439-6327

[3] Périard, Julien & Tammam, A. & Thompson, Martin. (2012). Skeletal Muscle Strength and Endurance are Maintained during Moderate Dehydration. International journal of sports medicine. 33. 607-12. 10.1055/s-0032-1306327.

[4] Blau, Joseph N. “Water Deprivation: A New Migraine Precipitant.” Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, vol. 45, no. 6, 2005, pp. 757–759., doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2005.05143_3.x.


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