Building sleeve-splitting arms is no easy feat. If your approach to stacking on size is countless biceps curls at the end of your back workout, you’re not giving your arms the attention they deserve. To build bigger arms, you need an arm-centric workout that gives ample weighting to both your biceps and your triceps.
Whereas many gym-goers tie arm training in with larger body parts, in this routine you’ll work arms as a standalone body part. The exercises selected—as well as the total volume and intensity techniques—are chosen to build powerful, more muscular arms than conventional exercises performed using straight sets. Tackle this routine twice per week, leaving at least two days between workouts to allow your muscles sufficient time to recover. You will quickly see rapid progress due to the higher volume, frequency, and intensity techniques.
Arms Routine
Rest (sec.)*
Dual Cable High Bicep Curl
superset with
Rope Triceps Extension
Seated Biceps Curl
superset with
Close-grip Barbell Bench Press
Incline Hammer Curl
Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curl
Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
Cable Overhead Triceps Extension
Close-grip Pushup
Cable Biceps Curl
*For the tri-sets, complete all three exercises with minimum rest between exercises. Rest for 60 seconds at the end of each tri-set.

Superset 1:
High-Pulley Cable Curl
Set up in a dual cable using two handles, positioned at head height. Kneel down facing the weight stack and curl behind the head.
Rope Triceps Extension
Set the rope up at the top of the cable machine. Keeping your back straight and leaning slightly forward, grasp the rope with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Extend your arms toward the floor, squeezing your triceps at the bottom of the movement. Slowly bend your elbows to return to start position.
Superset 2:
Seated Biceps Curl
Set bench at 90-degree angle. Sit back, resting the top of your back on the pad and chest slightly lifted. With palms facing up, elbows slightly forward, curl the weight up toward your shoulders. Squeeze briefly at the top of the movement, then lower arms back to start position.
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Lie back on a bench press and grasp the barbell using a close-grip. Keeping elbows tucked to your sides, slowly lower the bar toward your chest. Pause for a second, the drive the weight back up in a slow and controlled manner.

Tri-set 1:
Incline Hammer Curl
Lie back on a bench set at a 45-degree angle. Keeping elbows tight to sides back and chest elevated, curl the weight up toward your shoulders. Squeeze at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weight back to start.
Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curl
Grasp an easy bar using an underhand grip. With knees slightly bent, slowly curl the bar up toward your chest, pausing momentarily before lowering back to start.
Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lie back on a flat bench and raise the weights overhead, fully extending your arms. Bend your elbows to lower the weights to your ears, then extend your arms to drive back up to start position.
Tri-set 2:
Cable Overhead Triceps Extension with Rope
Set the rope up at the top of the cable machine. Facing away from the weight stack, lean slightly forward and fully extend your arms. Keeping your elbows fixed, slowly bend your arms back. Squeeze your triceps and extend your arms to return to start position.
Close-Grip Pushup
Lie facedown on the floor and place hands closer together, feet shoulder-width apart. Press up off the floor, keeping back straight and abs tight. Bend elbows to lower back toward the floor without allowing torso to touch. Repeat for reps.
Cable Biceps Curl
Attach an EZ-bar attachment to a low pulley cable machine. Grasp bar and step back to create tension on the cable. With knees slightly bent, curl the bar up toward the chest, hold briefly, then lower back to start position.
Supp for Size
To maximize your recovery, take RE-KAGED to provide your muscles with anabolic protein fuel after every workout.